The Dangers of Abusing Alcohol with Antidepressants

The Dangers of Abusing Alcohol with Antidepressants

If you take antidepressants daily, it’s critical to understand the risks of combining these prescriptions with alcohol. The combo can harm your mental health and cause serious adverse effects. In this blog article, we’ll explain why you should put your...
Does intensive outpatient treatment work for depression?

Does intensive outpatient treatment work for depression?

Intensive outpatient treatment (IOP) for depression provides an organized and supportive environment for individuals, but many people who could benefit from it may be unaware of it. This treatment option allows patients to participate in regular therapy sessions while...
How to Manage PTSD – 4 Tips

How to Manage PTSD – 4 Tips

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that develops after an individual experiences a traumatic event. A traumatic event can be a single occurrence or an ongoing, more complex situation. Common symptoms associated with PTSD include...
The Physical Effects of Trauma

The Physical Effects of Trauma

Trauma: How the Mind and Body are Connected One might view mental health as its own subset of health, suggesting that the brain and body are disconnected when it comes to healing. The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma by Bessel Van...
Sexual Wellness and Trauma Recovery

Sexual Wellness and Trauma Recovery

Sexual health and wellness are crucial aspects to address when working through trauma. In the United States alone, approximately 81% of women and 43% of men report having been victims of sexual assault. For those who have experienced sexual trauma, it can be...
Postpartum depression and how to recognize the signs

Postpartum depression and how to recognize the signs

Becoming a new parent brings a range of emotions, including excitement, joy, anger, sadness, anxiety, and fear. Most of these feelings are normal during the transition to parenthood. However, if you consistently don’t feel like yourself, you may have a...

Wings Recovery